
Inner beauty can sometimes need a surgeon’s hand to emerge. This is why at Harley Street Aesthetics we have a variety of surgical procedures that we offer our patients, so they can look more beautiful than ever.

Find out more about our range of procedures, from face and neck to breast and tummy, to be redirected to the relevant procedure page:

Signature procedures - Dr Kremer's innovative techniques

Dr Kremer has crafted some unique techniques which he offers exclusively in his Harley Street practice. These techniques give a natural look for a minimal recovery period.

Split Muscle Breast Augmentation

Dr Kremer’s split-muscle breast enhancement signature procedure has many advantages that regular breast augmentation surgery doesn’t offer; indeed, it ensures that the implants are not visible, while improving a woman’s cleavage by creating a natural curve and fuller lower pole. The overall procedure gives perky, fuller and natural-looking breasts.

TBT Facelift

The Turn-Back-Time Facelift allows you to do just that, take years off your face. Since we don’t remove the sagging fat, rather we put it back where it came from, the result is more natural and doesn’t drastically change the face.

TBT Eyelift

This Turn-Back-Time Eyelift (upper eyelift and/or lower eyelift) procedure offers a less invasive take on blepharoplasty. The TBT eyelift involves strengthening the orbital membrane, therefore forcing the fat around the eyes back into the orbital rim. As a result, your eyes look rejuvenated and refreshed, and the scars are hidden in the natural eyelid crease so no one will notice you had surgery, but everyone will find you look amazing!


Dr Kremer’s fantastic E-lipo technique combines the best aspects of fat removal procedures, including infiltration, fat melting and suction removal, whilst avoiding negative sides such as irregular contours and excess bruising. The e-lipo is straightforward and effective, and can create life-changing results. 



The facelift consists of the tightening of the skin and facial muscles, and the removal of fat where necessary.


In a necklift, excess fat is removed and the superficial neck muscle is tightened. Both facelifts and necklifts refresh the overall appearance of the face and neck area, producing a more youthful appearance.

Silhouette Lift

A safe, FDA and CE-marked surgical procedure, the Silhouette Lift helps refresh the cheeks area and create a more defined jawline to combat early signs of ageing. The biocompatible material used in the treatment is largely associated with cardiovascular and ophthalmic surgery. The results can last up to 5 years which makes it a great, long-lasting treatment. 

Face Implants

Facial implants are generally made of dimethalpolysiloxane, a silicone compound that is used to offer facial aesthetics enhancements. The treatment is performed with the patient under general anaesthetic, making it painless. Chin implants can be used to create a more prominent chin and a more proportionate face.


Nose reshaping is performed to change the three-dimensional shape of a nose, reduce its size or remove the hump. Surgical correction can create your ideal nose shape, for a more symmetrical face.


The blepharoplasty procedure, also known as eyelid surgery or eyelift, is used to remove excess skin and fat from the upper eyelid, which is then tightened if necessary from the orbital septum. The treatment gives wider eyes, producing a fresh and radiant face. What is more, the scars are unnoticeable since they are hidden in the eyelid.


Ear surgery can be performed at any age and can improve an individual’s well-being and self-image dramatically if they suffer from malformation of the ears such as protruding ears. During the procedure a strip is taken from the back of the ear and the cartilage is thinned until the ear is positioned as desired. Otoplasty can transform the appearance of the face, which can be a massive confidence boost.


Lip fillers, whether collagen or hyaluronic acid, are injected into the lip to emphasize the size of the lip, whilst reupholstering the wrinkles around the mouth. The procedure is performed to achieve bigger and fuller lips.



Also known as a ‘tummy tuck’, this procedure removes excess fatty tissue and skin folds in the lower abdominal region and tightens the abdominal wall. Abdominoplasty is a practical and safe procedure which can reduce one’s weight and produce fantastic results. We also offer a mini-tuck, a minor procedure where excess skin is simply removed.


Liposuction does not facilitate weight loss, rather the procedure improves your body contours. We offer a number of different liposuction techniques, including Dr Kremer’s e-lipo, to extract fat from problematic areas of the body.

Arm Lift

The arm lift procedure is a great way to create leaner arms, removing the fatty tissue in the upper arms that is hard to shift. In this treatment we accurately measure how much skin and fat will need to be removed to create symmetry in both arms, and the incisions are performed on the inside section of the arms to hide the scars.

Thigh Lift 

Just like for the arm lift, accurate measurements of skin and fat from the thighs are taken, and the incisions are made on the inside of the thighs to conceal any scars. The thigh lift creates an aesthetically-pleasing shape, giving you leaner and more slender upper-legs.  


Breast Augmentation 

Our breast implant procedure offers a long-lasting, full and natural breast shape. A breast implant can restore the breast shape or create a more desired form. All implants used are made of a double-walled silicone case, offering high protection against injury.

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery involves a process that permanently changes the size and shape of your chest. The operation involves removing the bottom of the breast tissue and excess skin. The treatment is used to improve the appearance of overly large breasts by reducing the size and reshaping the breasts as you desire. This is often advised when patients suffer from back pain due to the weight of their breasts.

Breast Lift

We offer three different breast lift procedures, which involve lifting and restoring the shape of the breast without necessarily reducing or enhancing its size. The procedure involves the rearrangement of breast tissue, changing the position of the nipples and tightening the skin to create firmer breasts. 


Gynecomastia is a breast reduction procedure for men which comprises of the removal of excess glandular or fatty tissue which often causes self-confidence issues in males who have more ‘feminine’ looking breasts. The result is a flat, tight and more muscular chest.


Botulinum Toxin A  - Botox

Botulinum Toxin A, or Botox, helps to relax facial muscles, which can decrease the formation of wrinkles, prevent extreme skin movements and smooth over existing wrinkles. This non-surgical procedure is a popular choice to make the face appear revitalised and younger.

Dermal Fillers

A minimally invasive treatment, dermal fillers are injected into the face to help reduce negative facial lines and restore plumpness and volume to the face. They can be used to improve the appearance of scars, to soften wrinkles and creases, and add volume to thin lips.


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Dr Kremer is now accepting virtual consultations, via Skype or WhatsApp. If you would like a virtual consultation, or would like more information, simply get in touch with us via phone, email or through our contact form and we will schedule a date and time for your consultation.