Dr Kremer's Blog

Things to consider when choosing cosmetic surgery

By Plastic Surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer. I have worked in the plastic surgery industry for many years, working in different countries advising and operating on a variety of different patients. I can say that my experience has taught me that there is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding cosmetic surgery,  

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What makes liposuction so effective?

By Plastic Surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer. Liposuction began gaining momentum back in the eighties when the procedure first came to the public’s attention, and as with all technologies from 30 years ago, the liposuction procedure has significantly improved over the years.Despite remaining an incredibly popular cosmetic operation, many people who  

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Virtual Consultations

Dr Kremer is now accepting virtual consultations, via Skype or WhatsApp. If you would like a virtual consultation, or would like more information, simply get in touch with us via phone, email or through our contact form and we will schedule a date and time for your consultation.