Why it might make sense to combine procedures

13 November 2020

By plastic surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer

Female face close up in black and whitePatients at Harley Street Aesthetics often arrive for their initial consultation armed full of curious questions about treatments and procedures that can help them achieve the results they desire. Sometimes those desired results can be a little more complex to achieve, but nevertheless they are often achievable - though not necessarily through one single procedure. Instead, I may suggest a combination of two or more procedures to achieve the best result.

A perfect example of this might be a female who approaches me post-pregnancy with a list of concerns she'd like to address. To solve her specific issues and to help her feel more confident and much happier about her body, a combination of breast and body procedures may be recommended at the same time.

Below, I've highlighted a few reasons as to why it might make sense in certain situations to combine procedures together:

A combination of body treatments often offers higher satisfaction

If a patient has several areas they'd like to address through cosmetic surgery (such as the above example of a typical post-pregnancy female), a comprehensive treatment plan that includes procedures that targets each specific area should mean the patient ends up far happier with their results. This can also be said of non-surgical procedures, whereby several treatments can compliment each other to achieve incredible results, such as the Centennial Lift which combines PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) with dermaroller micro needling.

Weight fluctuations and aging can affect several areas at once

As well as new mothers, I will often see patients who are unhappy with their appearance following a significant drop in weight, or because the aging process has taking it's toll on them. Weight loss patient complaints usually revolve around saggy breasts and stomachs, while older people want to target issues with their facial features and neck. A breast augmentation procedure alone will of course help the saggy breasts issue, and a tummy tuck by itself may be the answer for the stomach, but this won't tackle the issues collectively unless they are both part of a treatment plan together.

For the best results, we should consider the body as a whole and decide if a combination of procedures will offer the best results.

A combination of procedures would be cost-effective

If you're already considering two or more different procedures, the list of fees associated to each one means it would typically make sense to combine them into the same plan and have them performed during the same operation. This way, many of the fees will only be paid once.

A single recovery period

As above, combining procedures means you often not only have to pay the once, but you also only have to recover the once. This means less time off work overall and less time battling your way through recovery pains and the boredom it can bring while you wait it out.

Combining procedures can often make sense for a variety of reasons - financially, physically and emotionally. However, they can also be extremely complex, so it's vital you choose a reputable plastic surgeon who has the expertise and skills to carry out the procedures you're interested in to the highest and safest standards.

If you'd like to learn more about the cosmetic procedures I offer here at Harley Street Aesthetics in the heart of London, don't hesitate to reach out. You can contact me to book a consultation by calling 0845 519 7232, e-mailing info@harleystreetaesthetics.com or by completing the online contact form.


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