Important things to know about eyelid surgery

14 December 2018

Photo of an eye and eyelidBy plastic surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer

If you're thinking about having eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty as we call it in the cosmetic surgery world, then you're likely to have a few questions about the procedure and whether you're a good candidate for it. Whether you're considering eyelid surgery for medical reasons or cosmetic reasons, I've put together a list of important things you need to know so that you can properly prepare yourself and be more aware of what to expect.

Pick the right plastic surgeon

The first important step is to make sure you're in the best hands possible, so take your time when choosing a plastic surgeon and do plenty of research to make sure the one you choose is reputable and highly experienced in eyelid surgery. Narrow down your search to a select few, and book yourself in for a consultation to help you get to know them a little better face-to-face.

During your consultation ask them about their experience performing blepharoplasty surgery and question their credentials and whether they are board certified.

Expect to feel nervous before surgery

Feeling nervous and anxious before your eyelid surgery date is to be expected, and this is another reason why it's so important to choose the right plastic surgeon. The right surgeon will be able to put you at ease and answer any questions that you may have along the way. If you're certain you can put your trust in your plastic surgeon, then it'll go a long way to help keep your nerves as settled as possible.

Getting back to normality

Eyelid surgery may be a smaller procedure than many others, but it's still a surgical operation. This means you must still plan some recovery time by allowing yourself time off work and by staying away from activities for a little while. Most of my patients feel recovered enough to return to work after around two weeks, but for strenuous activity and exercise I would advise that you allow yourself about three weeks.

Avoid make up and contact lenses after eyelid surgery

To recover in the best and faster way possible you should ensure you avoid applying makeup and contact lenses for the first two weeks after your eyelid surgery. The wounds around your eyes are likely to itch as they heal, but it's important that you refrain from rubbing or scratching them. This will help to keep swelling to a minimum and ensure the highest quality results.

Expect some swelling and redness post-surgery

As with all cosmetic surgery, you can expect to experience some swelling, redness and bruising after your blepharoplasty procedure. Your eyes may also feel more sensitive to light or feel dry and itchy as they heal and recover. These side effects are perfectly normal and will slowly subside during the days and weeks following your surgical procedure.

Gently apply cold compresses, wear sunglasses and use eye drops to help you through the first few days if you find them particularly irritating.

You will still be recognisable

Some patients raise concerns about eyelid surgery as they worry about whether they will look completely different following the surgery. I can safely say that you will still look just like you, but fortunately you'll be a much fresher and more youthful looking you. Especially when opting for my signature TBT eyelift as it’s less invasive than a conventional blepharoplasty procedure. The surgery is so precise that friends and family may not even notice that you've had cosmetic surgery. Instead, they may simply ask what you've been doing lately to look so refreshed and reenergised.

The final result will take time

Following your eyelid surgery, it can take several months for the swelling to completely subside and for your results to be fully developed, so it's important that your patient as the natural healing process takes place. Although you'll be back to living your normal life within a matter of weeks, it can take as many as 6 to 12 months for your blepharoplasty result to fully reveal itself.

Considering eyelid surgery to look younger and fresher? Book yourself in for a consultation with me and we can discuss my TBT eyelift procedure and ensure that it's the correct cosmetic procedure for you. Call 0845 519 7232, e-mail or complete the online contact form.


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Dr Kremer conducts virtual consultations via WhatsApp or Zoom and in-person consultations at our office in Harley Street, London. If you would like to book a consultation, or would like more information, simply get in touch with us via phone, email or through our contact form and we will schedule a date and time for your consultation.