Dr Kremer's Blog

Does plastic surgery's television portrayal ever match the reality?

By Plastic Surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer. The portrayal of plastic surgery in the media often paints the industry in a negative light, with extreme makeovers, botched surgeries and cowboy practices usually taking precedence over stories of successful procedures. I have previously discussed the issue of cosmetic surgery reality television shows  

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Travelling the world in the pursuit of perfection

By Plastic Surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer. Over the last few months, I've written about a variety of worrying trends in the plastic surgery industry, ranging from having cosmetic surgery to look like a celebrity, to undergoing an aesthetic procedure to achieve the perfect selfie. There have always been trends in  

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Dr Kremer is now accepting virtual consultations, via Skype or WhatsApp. If you would like a virtual consultation, or would like more information, simply get in touch with us via phone, email or through our contact form and we will schedule a date and time for your consultation.