Dr Kremer's Blog

Plastic surgery: getting prepared before the surgery

By Plastic Surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer. Plastic surgery shouldn't be entered into without fully understanding all aspects of the process. I've previously written about the do's and don'ts of plastic surgery, where I revealed some shocking reasons why people have plastic surgery, all of which I strongly disagree with. However,  

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The do's and don'ts of plastic surgery

By Plastic Surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer. I've recently noticed in the media that an ever growing number of people are undertaking cosmetic surgery for disturbing reasons. Every day there appears to be a new story about people having plastic surgery because they were forced into it, or because they wanted  

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Dr Kremer is now accepting virtual consultations, via Skype or WhatsApp. If you would like a virtual consultation, or would like more information, simply get in touch with us via phone, email or through our contact form and we will schedule a date and time for your consultation.