Dr Kremer's Blog

Plastic surgery and Coronation Street stars

By Plastic Surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer. I don't really know why, but last week I noticed two articles on Coronation Street starlets and plastic surgery. Was it because the longest running soap of the country was voted Best British Soap at the British Soap Awards a few days ago? Probably.  

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Breast reduction: why undergo reduction mammoplasty?

By Plastic Surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer. We hear a lot about breast augmentation but seldom do we hear about breast reduction: women tend to want bigger, not smaller breasts. I have already heard people wondering why some women would want to undergo breast reduction surgery when so many would love  

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Plastic surgery not the answer to psychological issues

By Plastic Surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer. I recently read a news article on the Institute of Education London website that focused on why plastic surgery isn't the answer for patients with psychological issues. In fact the study suggested that patients suffering from psychological issues may actually see their condition worsen  

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Judgemental attitudes against women undergoing cosmetic surgery

By Plastic Surgeon Dr Dirk Kremer. Last Thursday I read an interesting article on The Telegraph regarding Louise Mensch and her admitting to having had a facelift plastic surgery procedure. According to the article, Britons have a "misogynistically judgemental attitude" toward women who have cosmetic surgery. Louise Mensch Louise Mensch is  

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